On October 10th, Iowa State Extension sent Jack & Nate to do a Water Rocks presentation to Kindergarten-5th grade. They learned about ecosystems, biodiversity, clean & dirty water, and protecting nature. They did a great job!
over 1 year ago, Stef Ford
clean water
5th grade
trophic levels
October 10th was a big day at E-EHK elementary, first Dr. Vampola visited the Kindergarten for National Book Month!
over 1 year ago, Stef Ford
Dr. v
On Friday, books from our Book Blast promotion arrived. Students were able to take home at least one new book!
over 1 year ago, Stef Ford
Information for the RVC VB Tournament on Saturday at Coon Rapids-Bayard. The Spartans begin the day by playing Woodbine at 9 am! https://gobound.com/ia/conferences/rlvc/vb/2023-24/brackets/h20231009011852291bac7401ab40d43
over 1 year ago, Erika Van Cleave
Open Positions at EEHK -- If you are interested, please email the building administrator.
over 1 year ago, Erika Van Cleave
Open Positions
As the weather gets colder, please remind your child to wear appropriate clothing to school. Students that arrive prior to the doors opening at 7:45 have to wait outside unless it is below 32 degrees. The attached picture shows our policy on recess clothing according to the weather. We also require students to have pants on if it is 54 degrees or colder. Boots are required if it is below 20 degrees, and gloves and hats when it is below 32 degrees. We will have indoor recess when the feels like is 10 or below. Remember that it is typically much cooler for our morning recess than the predicted high temp.
over 1 year ago, Carrie Bauer
Spartan Happenings Week of Oct. 9
over 1 year ago, Erika Van Cleave
Oct 9-15
On Tuesday night, our HS Play students had their second read through of "Clue: On Stage ~ High School Edition". This is sure to be a HILARIOUS show!! Make sure you mark your calendars for the weekend of November 18th & 19th! Was it Miss Scarlett in the Kitchen with the Rope? Was it Mr. Green in the Lounge with the Lead Pipe? Come join us for this fun show!!
over 1 year ago, Cody Parmley
Happy National 4H Week Spartans! Shelby County and Audubon County 4Hers and Clover kids pose in their 4H gear today!
over 1 year ago, Stef Ford
Shelby co
Audubon Co
There will be NO JH football practice today (Oct. 4).
over 1 year ago, Erika Van Cleave
Buy Your Yearbook Today!
over 1 year ago, Erika Van Cleave
September PRIDE ticket drawing winners (3-5)
over 1 year ago, Stef Ford
Congratulations to Brandon Baggett! He has been selected as the 2023 Barb Schubert award winner for the Iowa Council Teachers of English. This award recognizes individuals who demonstrate exceptional literacy interactions with students and families, utilize a carefully planned rich curriculum, encourage and participates in professional collaboration, and implement innovative pedagogy. We are so very lucky to have you in our district!
over 1 year ago, Erika Van Cleave
5th Graders got to help set up for the Exira Fall Festival this morning: setting up tables, washing grapes, pulling weeds, and picking up sticks.
over 1 year ago, Stef Ford
tables 2
Attention Spartan Nation!! EEHK will be hosting a PINK OUT tomorrow (9/28) during school AND at the home volleyball game versus ArWeVa. See you all there in your pink gear!
over 1 year ago, Erika Van Cleave
Please purchase your tickets for the JH Volleyball game tonight (9/25) at CAM here: https://www.gobound.com/ia/ighsau/vb/2023-24/exiraehk/jh Make sure you have the correct game. Thanks all!
over 1 year ago, Erika Van Cleave
Want to support the Exira-EHK FFA?? How about some apparel? Online store is open until October 1st. NOTE: FFA MEMBERS GET A FREE TEE WITH DUES PAID! https://1800tshirts.chipply.com/exiraehkffa/
over 1 year ago, Erika Van Cleave
Spartan Activities: Week of Sept. 25-Oct 1
over 1 year ago, Erika Van Cleave
sept 25-oct 1
Yearbook Information
over 1 year ago, Erika Van Cleave
Good morning! We are watching the weather for this afternoon. In the case of inclement weather, the parade will be canceled. If this occurs, the pep rally will take place at 2:30 pm in the high school gym. Everyone is welcome to attend. A decision will be made and communicated around 12:00 today via JMC and Social Media. Happy Homecoming! Mrs. Van Cleave
over 1 year ago, Erika Van Cleave