Quarter 1 PBIS pop recipients

Carter and Emma shared a few words about Respect at our Thursday assembly

Weekly Happenings for Oct 30-Nov 5

As the weather has turned colder, please remind your child to wear appropriate clothing to school. Students that arrive prior to the doors opening at 7:45 have to wait outside unless it is below 32 degrees. The attached picture shows our policy on recess clothing according to the weather. We also require students to have pants on if it is 54 degrees or colder. Boots are required if it is below 20 degrees, and gloves and hats when it is below 32 degrees. We will have indoor recess when the feels like is 10 or below.

Rolling Valley Conference Vocal Choir on October 30th at Woodbine beginning at 7 pm

Respect messages week 2: Paisley & Terra

2nd Grade has been learning about Chinese traditions in CKLA, so they shared their paper dragon with us

3rd Grade Punt, Pass, Kick top 3

Friday's K-2 PBIS Drawing Winners

Spartan Happenings Week of Oct. 23

Here are the elementary dress up days for Red Ribbon Week

Bus safety reminder to families: As of November 2019, the policy in the attached image has been the School Bus Seat Belt Policy. K-5th grade students have been reminded numerous times that they are to be wearing seat belts if riding a bus with them, and reminded the consequence of not wearing a belt repeatedly can result in be suspended from the bus. Please talk to your child(ren) about the importance of them following this policy for their safety and everyone else.

Ticket Information for Friday's (Oct.20) Football Game. Get tickets here: https://www.iahsaa.org/tickets/
(Choose First Round @ EEHK)
There will be NO cash accepted at the gate.

Congratulations to our Spartan Booster Club Students of the Month for September. These students have shown Spartan Pride in and out of the classroom and are sponsored this month by S & M Repair in Elk Horn. Elementary-Staci Partridge, Middle-Andi Riesgaard, High-Owen Juhl.

3rd-5th October certificate recipients

Elementary Parent-Teacher Conference Schedule: Please click on the link to fill in the Google sheet for conferences. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hWKxD6h2CS0QbrYXFMj-SMqmZrUjakeS2J1gi8q6ae0/edit?usp=sharing
Find the column for your child's teacher and put his/her name in the time slot you wish to meet with the teacher. All conferences will be held in person unless otherwise arranged with your child's teacher. If you have any questions, email your child's teacher or call the school at 712-268-5318.

Information for Yearbook Senior Ads!

Spartan Happenings for the Week of Oct. 16-22

2023 Playoff Shirt Order Forms!
Orders are due MONDAY, OCT. 16

Last Friday's (10/6) Spartan Pride Certificate reciepients (PreK-2nd)