Exira-EHK Mask Mandate: At our school board meeting in October the board had a discussion item about a mask mandate. Then at the November board meeting the Exira-EHK school board voted 7-0 in favor of a district wide mask mandate. Our school mask mandate is in place until January 18th, 2021. During that time it will be discussed and voted on again.
about 4 years ago, Mary Bleth-Harris
The book fair has been extended through Monday! Make sure to contact bhansen@eehkspartans.org if you would like to make a purchase!
about 4 years ago, Cody Parmley
Book Fair
JH Sports Message from Athletic Director Tom Petersen https://5il.co/n7ks
about 4 years ago, Dan Spooner
Check out all of these cool books at the book fair!!!! Here is a link to the virtual book fair as well! Make sure to contact Brenda Hansen (bhansen@eehkspartans.org) to see if we have it in the fair first before buying online! We are willing to do curbside pickup! (There are more books than listed, so please look at the link below!) https://shop.scholastic.com/parent-ecommerce/as-seen-in-schools/360fair.html?fairId=4639817 Also, don't forget to set up your eWallets if you haven't! It is super slick!
about 4 years ago, Cody Parmley
Book Fair
Book Fair
Book Fair
Book Fair
Corrected Date: Exira-EHK Students and Staff: Tonight the EEHK Board of Education approved and will be following the guidance of Iowa's Governor Kim Reynolds's mask mandate. This mandate will start tomorrow, November 17th for all students K-12. Please be sure to bring your masks; each school will have mask available for students.
about 4 years ago, Mary Bleth-Harris
Exira-EHK Students and Staff: Tonight the EEHK Board of Education approved and will be following the guidance of Iowa's Governor Kim Reynolds's mask mandate. This mandate will start tomorrow, November 18th for all students K-12. Please be sure to bring your masks; each school will have mask available for students.
about 4 years ago, Mary Bleth-Harris
Wednesday, November 11th Governor Reynolds changed guidance for youth sports which includes the playing of JH & HS sports. Please click on the link below to read a letter from school administration regarding the new proclamation: https://5il.co/n1vh
about 4 years ago, Dan Spooner
THE BOOK FAIR IS OPEN (Online)!!!!!!!!!!!!! TAKE A LOOK AT WHAT IS AVAILABLE!!! Below is the link to get to the online book fair: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/exiraelkhornkimballtones Here is a video about setting up eWallet for your students!! Another video is coming about this! https://players.brightcove.net/1543299976/Eyj59PHsg_default/index.html?videoId=5831064261001
about 4 years ago, Cody Parmley
The book fair is coming! The book fair is coming!!! Obviously...everything in 2020 has been different, and now our book fair will be as well!!! Below is some general information, we will be giving you more "specific" information in the coming days! A. Elementary book fair: November 16-20 B. MS/HS: November 30-December 8 C. In house book fairs are open to students and staff only. Online book fairs will be open to everyone and orders are sent directly home. New this year: e-Wallet accounts for students that can be set up by parents/grandparents. More info to come!! Our online book fair option is currently scheduled to open on Wednesday. Please watch for updates if this happens!!!
about 4 years ago, Cody Parmley
Book Fair
For the latest COVID-19 update, please read the attached letter from Mr. Miller. https://5il.co/mub9
about 4 years ago, Mary Bleth-Harris
The Exira Leo/Leadership Club will be accepting donations for Audubon and Shelby counties through the month of November. Donation boxes have been set up in each school building. Thank you for your support and help getting the word out to the students and their families.
about 4 years ago, Dan Spooner
2020 Basketball Registration for 4th-6th grade boys and girls is currently underway. Registrations forms are due on Friday, November 6th. Click on the link to download the registration form: https://5il.co/mppu
about 4 years ago, Dan Spooner
BBall Floor
Please come out and support Steele. #32strong #StrongAsSteele
about 4 years ago, Mary Bleth-Harris
Exira-EHK students supporting Steel! #32strong
about 4 years ago, Mary Bleth-Harris
E-EHK Students Supporting #32strong
Hey all you old Exira Marching Band Members: Mr. Parmley and Mr. Nielsen have been "cleaning out" some old closets! We are trying to find a way to get rid of some old uniforms without just throwing them all away. If you are interested in an old uniform or just a hat, feel free to email Mr. Parmley at cparmley@eehkspartans.org. We just ask that you may be willing to write us a donation to EEHK Spartans Music Boosters. If you are talented, there are some really cool things you can do with old uniforms. If you just want a specific item, feel free to email Mr. Parmley and ask what is available. Items: 2 styles of Marching Hats 2 styles of Uniforms (older uniform only a few) Flag Team Shirts A few Marching Band Polos As was said, if interested or you have questions, please email cparmley@eehkspartans.org. You have 3 weeks (by November 13th) if interested and they will then find a new home.
about 4 years ago, Cody Parmley
In case of inclement weather listen to KJAN or KCCI. School late starts and closures will also be announced on social media.
about 4 years ago, Mary Bleth-Harris
Reminder: The west parking lot at the high school will be closed on Monday and Tuesday. Please park at the baseball field. The alleyway and street are not available to park in.
about 4 years ago, Mary Bleth-Harris
The crane has been pushed off until next week. Students and staff may use the parking lot.
about 4 years ago, Mary Bleth-Harris
HS students and staff will not be able to park in the west parking lot on Thursday, October 22nd. Please use the baseball parking lot. DO NOT park on the street or in the alley.
about 4 years ago, Mary Bleth-Harris
Welcome to January 19th...I mean October 19th! Some of our Junior High students had fun in the snow! Check it out!
about 4 years ago, Cody Parmley
Snow Day
Snow Day
Snow Day