Hey Hey Hey! Our Spartan Media Students started a TikTok Channel! Make sure to go and follow it! Check out their first product! (Hopefully sharing this works for you to see it!). If not, the channel is called SpartanMedia. Have a great rest of your week Spartans!
Here are your weekly announcements brought to you by Spartan Media:
Check out some of our students on the Manufacturing Day field trip!!!!
Today is National Smile Day ! The staffs in both buildings honored Rochelle Bruns who dedicated her life to helping make Exira-EHK schools, and the world a better place. Smile! #SpartanStrong
Make sure to check out tonights volleyball match up between the Exira-EHK Spartans West-Harrison Hawkeyes @ 6PM in Elk Horn! Gooooo Spartans!
On October 1st we will celebrate a wonderful Spartan, Rochelle Bruns. Rochelle dedicated her life to helping make Exira-EHK a better place, and it's only fitting that we celebrate her on National Smile Day! Please wear Purple or Spartan Strong gear, to show your support.
Check out our MS/HS students hard at work last week in preparation for Homecoming Festivities!
What's Happening Spartans!!!! Check out our Elementary Students on Homecoming!!!! They had SOOO much Spirit!!!!
Don't forget!!!!! Tonight is the Homecoming Tailgate Supper, Sponsored by the Exira-EHK Leo Club! Please come and support them! It is a free will donation and is taking place before the Homecoming football game! Food is served at 5PM in Exira! Be there and support this great organization!
Our Spartan Youth Leadership Club held their first meeting of the school year. We have 22- 5th grade students participating in this year's Spartan Youth Leadership Club. Our high school TAG student helpers are Ashley Hansen and Macy Emgarten along with their school sponsor, Mrs. Lisa Dreier, HS TAG Instructor. Our students made footballs with the HS/MS players name and their jersey numbers. Plus a poster wishing the team Good Luck for the Homecoming!
Check out our awesome students hard at work for their upcoming Fall Musical.....Moana Jr! Rehearsals started last week and we are so proud of this small but mighty group! Keep Up The Great Work!! With many involved in HS Volleyball, HS Football, MS Volleyball, MS Football, we are just so happy for the involvement we can get!
Mark your calendars for these performances!!!
November 13th at 7PM
November 14th at 2PM
You WON'T want to miss this!!!
Congratulations to Shawn Weilenman for being our first big 50/50 winner. A big thanks for the donation back and for all the Spartan and Wheeler fans that supported the after prom.
We will be back again for one last 50/50 raffle this football season on Homecoming Friday. Also, remember we have window decals for sale - just ask a junior or a junior parent.
We will be making tye dye shirts and have putt-putt available at Fall Festival in Exira this weekend. So come on out and support a great cause!!!
Thanks for all your support!!
Day late! Our weekly announcements!
Elementary students - show your Spartan Spirit by participating in Homecoming Dress-Up days next week!
Support the Jr Class After Prom!!!
These will be available Friday at the football game and also by contacting a Junior parent or a member of the Jr. class. We have two different sizes - small one for $5 and the big one for $10 - all proceeds to after prom. A super big thank you!!!!
Here is your 2021 Homecoming Court!!!
L-R: Macy Emgarten, Dane Paulsen, Ashley Hansen, Jackson Shores, Mollie Rasmussen, Aiden Potts, Alisa Partridge, and Benjamin Paulsen.
A big congratulations goes out to these students!!! Homecoming will be Friday the 24th at 7PM!
Homecoming days are as follows:
Monday - Camo Day
Tuesday - Tourist Day
Wednesday - Neon Day
Thursday - Decade Day
Friday - Spirit Day
Join the Exira-Elk Horn-Kimballton Board of Directors
The following seats are up for election on November 2, 2021:
•At Large (3 Openings) – Terms expire in 2025
o Currently held by Kevin Petersen, Tamie Fahn and Pat
Greving (not running)
Required paperwork can be picked up at the Elk Horn Office (M-F 8 am-4 pm) or printed
from the attachments below.
Deadline for filing paperwork is Thursday, September 16, 2021 at 5:00 pm.
Questions? Contact Jan Greving at 712-764-4616 or jgreving@eehkspartans.org
PDF LINK: https://www.exira-ehk.k12.ia.us/o/exira-ehk/browse/256030
• School Candidates Guide.pdf
• School no party affidavit.pdf
• nompetnonpartisan.pdf
Monday 9/13
Today's JH football game at CR-B is POSTPONED.
JV football will scrimmage at 6:30pm @ CR-B.
Thank you.
HEY! Don't miss some GREAT opportunities to support our school and students this weekend at the local garage sales!
First off: The Exira-EHK Community School (High School) is having their garage sale on Friday from 5pm-8pm & Saturday from 8am-Noon! They will have New & Used Books (All ages), Homeschool Materials, Spartan Apparel (Youth-Adult), Misc. School Supplies & Equipment! More to Come!!! The money for the sale will go towards purchasing some updated non-fiction books in the MS/HS library and also to help with replacing some of the worn and very loved books at the elementary.
Secondly: McKenna Larsen is trying to raise money for traveling to San Diego California to perform with the Southwest Iowa High School Honor Marching Band at the Holiday Bowl! This is a great honor to be selected for this, but she needs your help to continue to raise the funds! Sale will be tonight 4pm-7pm, Friday 8am-7pm & Saturday 8am-2pm. They will be serving a Maidrite Meal on Friday, Serving Aebleskiver on Saturday! They have clothing all sizes, Baby items, Play Pen, Toys, Etc....many miscellaneous items! Sale will be held at 310 West Odense Street Kimballton.
Please consider supporting these two opportunities to help giving students at Exira-EHK the most amazing opportunities!
Hey Spartans! We hope you had the best Labor Day, and were able to recuperate after a BUSY 2 weeks! Check out what our middle school students were up to in Science Class! Now...I am no science expert but from my understanding they were making different "rock layers" out of candy! Now...the real question....Was more of the candy going into their formations or were there more pieces going into their mouths? Hmmmm. See you tomorrow Spartans for an amazing 3rd week of school!