March AR goal achievers got their "glow" on with bracelets, necklaces, and glasses as the Danced the Night Away!

K-5 students got to have learning stations on our 'long Wednesday' yesterday. Big thanks to Brenda Hansen (school librarian), Mary Taggs & Allie Brooks (ISU Extension), Kelli Schules & Steve Lewis (NRCC Office) and Megan Kelly (Farm Bureau's Ag in the Classroom) for the fun!

Tivoli Fest 2024 is just around the corner!

Graduation Update.
We apologize for any inconvenience. Please direct your questions/concerns to Mrs. Van Cleave.

Today, we celebrate Paraprofessional Day, a time dedicated to honoring the invaluable contributions of our paraprofessional colleagues. Our paraprofessionals are the heart and soul of our team, working tirelessly to support our students, teachers, and administrators. They bring passion, dedication, and expertise to everything they do, making a significant difference in the lives of those they serve.

We are hiring!

Exira-EHK is ready to welcome our newest Spartans! We will have Preschool Round Up on Wednesday, April 10 from 9:00 am to 10:00 am at the elementary school in Exira. Please bring your child to explore the preschool room and for a brief parent meeting. If you have not already completed the preschool interest form, please do so at this link: https://forms.gle/xNTpGKdxF2ivSj1y8 We will also hold an informal Kindergarten Round Up on Friday, April 19. Students in the morning preschool class will visit Kindergarten to do activities with the kindergarten teachers from 9:00-9:00 am and the afternoon class from 12:30-1:00 pm. Please call the school to attend one of these sessions if your child is not already attending preschool with us.

Congratulations Jaelynn!

This morning 5th graders helped prep the Exira Community Club by filling thousands of Easter eggs for the hunt on Saturday morning.

In honor of Vietnam Veteran's Day (March 29), local veterans came to talk to our 5th graders about their service in the military.

This morning many of our elementary classroom went 'live' with the Kids Fit "Fuel Your School" assembly. Spartans were able to learn about healthy snacks, do a circuit of exercise, and make their own banana & sunflower butter rollup.

See the attached document for the open positions in our district. Apply directly to Mrs. Erika Van Cleave

On Tuesday the 19th, our 6-12th grade music students had their spring concert! It was a great evening filled with wonderful music! Students in these classes did amazing and represented Exira-EHK SOOO well! Thank you to the students for their work. Thank you for parents/grandparents/family/friends and others for attending and your continued support for the arts! Thank you to our amazing custodial staff for helping get things ready! As well as our office staff and administration for helping with programs and other things!

Save the Date! Elementary Spring Concert is coming up!

Check out these DOUBLE ALL-STATERS ready for an exciting day at UNI!!! Great Job to Emily as a Three-Time All-Stater and Irelynd as a Two-Time All Stater! We are proud of YOU!!

We had a fun-filled Friday this week in the elementary. Christina came to teach us about fossils, Preschool - 5th got to go watch the Wonder movie at the Rose, and K-2 had ticket drawings!

EXIRA-EHK COMMUNITY SCHOOLS Preschool Interest form:
Must be 4 years old by Sept. 15, 2023 Please complete this form if you are interested in having your child attend our 4 Year Old Preschool program for the 2024-25 school year. There will be a Preschool Round-Up on Wednesday April 10 at 9:00 at the elementary school . https://forms.gle/Ns1qfG1CKmHFy4KZA

Optimist's Club Bingo Night - April 13th

February Students of the Month: Hannah (HS), Meka (MS) and Drew (Elem). Congratulations ladies!!

Join us next week for conferences!