Update for tonight's (6/18) game as of 12:25pm The games have been bumped up! Tonight’s baseball and softball games in Audubon vs Lo-Ma will be varsity first at 4 PM.
9 months ago, Erika Van Cleave
Updated information for tonight's softball game (6/18): JV/V softball in Audubon tonight will play varsity first at 5 PM due to the forecasted storms later this evening
9 months ago, Erika Van Cleave
Audubon v Lo-Ma softball scheduled for Tuesday 6/18 will be varsity first at 5:30 in Audubon. It was originally scheduled to be in Kimballton at 5 PM.
9 months ago, Erika Van Cleave
Please see the graphic for information on Open Enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year.
9 months ago, Erika Van Cleave
Open Enrollment
Information regarding games in Woodbine: they only have a cashless gate so tickets must be purchased in advance through BOUND
9 months ago, Erika Van Cleave
Congratulations to these 4 musicians who have the opportunity to participate in this years Southwest Iowa Honor Marching Band performance in Tampa Florida for the Big TEN vs SEC Championship Game on New Year's Day Alex Hansen - Trombone Keagan Menter - Trombone Hannah Jensen - Color Guard Leah Boysen - Color Guard
9 months ago, Erika Van Cleave
Softball information (6/10) Varsity will play first at Riverside at 5:30 followed by JV.
9 months ago, Erika Van Cleave
Varsity Baseball will be playing first tonight (6/7) vs woodbine starting at 5:30 followed by JV.
9 months ago, Erika Van Cleave
Did you sadly miss Paige and Ruby at the Iowa High School Musical Theater Awards Showcase? If so, that is OK! Here is a great way to catch them in their debut at the Civic Center in Des Moines! https://www.iowapbs.org/shows/musicaltheater/episode/11163/2024-iowa-high-school-musical-theater-awards-showcase Great Job Girls! Great Job Iowa High School Musical Theater Awards for putting on an AMAZING showcase! They come on the stage around 2:34:28! BUT the entire program is worth watching!
9 months ago, Cody Parmley
Due to low numbers for Lo-Ma, JV/V softball at Logan tonight (6/3) will play Varsity first at 5:30 with limited JV to follow.
9 months ago, Erika Van Cleave
Information regarding tonight's (6/3) baseball game: Varsity will play first at 5:30 in Elk Horn followed by 3 innings of JV.
9 months ago, Erika Van Cleave
Information on tonights baseball & softball games (5/31): Varsity Baseball will play at 5:30 at Glidden-Ralston followed by the JV Varsity Softball will play at 5:30 at Audubon vs. Mo. Valley
10 months ago, Erika Van Cleave
Girls Softball Information for Tonight (5/29) Varsity softball will be played first at Treynor tonight followed by JV.
10 months ago, Erika Van Cleave
Changes to tonight's baseball games (5/29) Varsity Baseball will play first at Boyer Valley at 5:30. JV to follow.
10 months ago, Erika Van Cleave
BOGO Book Fair!  Sponsored by EEHK School District. Today is the LAST DAY of the BOGO book fair!!!!  Saturday, May 25 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.  Petersen Insurance Agency building  4122 Main St, Elk Horn (across from the gas station) Come to Tivoli Fest and check out our bargains!! 
10 months ago, Stef Ford
Hey Sports fans, we have your posters at the Book Fair too!!!  Just some examples:
10 months ago, Stef Ford
Paige and Ruby have been busy at the Des Moines Civic Center today! They have been prepping for the Iowa High School Musical Theater Awards that will be held on May 30th! What a fun opportunity to work with students from across the state, in this Finale Medley for the show next week! Great job girls!
10 months ago, Cody Parmley
Hey Swifties! Look what we found at the book fair! 5 different kinds of Taylor Swift books!! (limited supplies!) Come visit Mrs. Hansen at Peterson Insurance during Tivoli Fest!!
10 months ago, Stef Ford
BOGO Book Fair at Tivoli Fest! Sponsored by EEHK. Friday, May 24 6:30-8:30 p.m. Saturday, May 25 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Petersen Insurance Agency building 4122 Main St, Elk Horn (across from the gas station) Buy one item & get a 2nd item of equal or lower price for FREE!!!
10 months ago, Stef Ford
book fair
BOGO Book Fair! Sponsored by EEHK School District. Friday, May 24 6:30-8:30 p.m. Saturday, May 25 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Petersen Insurance Agency building 4122 Main St, Elk Horn (across from the gas station) Get ready for your summer reading with BOGO prices!!!
10 months ago, Stef Ford
book fair